4/30/13- Today, I collected 42 leads in Somerville, Ma for
On Point, one of my best numbers lately.
While eating lunch Ron was talking about the basketball player who came
out gay this week. Then started talking
about Rocky Marciano, wrestler from MA, and could not believe I did not know
who he was. Then after lunch I continued to find articles for 2 blog and write
a summary of them, so Amanda can use them for Right Now against bullying and
Stop Drunk Driving Now blogs. Then after
finding an article for Right Now Blog, I decided to make an Ad for the blog
which I then sent Amanda before leaving.
The concept was to attract the eye with the image of grave stone,
showing what bullying can in end. I also
finished the Ad for Buzz on Bullying Blog.
-Renee Breau
Graphic Designer