
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Elephant Walk Photoshoot

4/10/13- Today, was different then every other day because I got to go on a photoshoot with Jenny the Photographer and Graphic Designer for On Point.  Our client is the Elephant Walk which has three locations and all with different décor.  First off was going to the Cambridge location where we met with some of the owners, managers, chiefs, cooks, and waiters of the restaurant.  Jenny was taking photos of the façade, interiors dining rooms, the cookbook, and the food which the chiefs where preparing as the other shots where being taken.  The food smelled and looked so good, we both wanted to eat all of it, as the chiefs where preparing the food Jenny also took photos of them in action.  I was assisting Jenny with writing down the dishes and the order in which she photographed them.  Also I helped with switched out the food and bring the items to different locates to shot.  After the foods had their close ups Jenny then used them in the live action shots in the dining rooms with models/customers. She also had them drinking at the bar area to show what it would be like.  As Jenny was taking these shots I was breaking down the equipment used to take the close up of the food.    

Then with everything packed up we went to the next location in Boston.  There we took the same shots of the façade, interiors, chiefs, and live action shots of cooks.  Here we got to taste some of the food, I order Jus de Boeuf, which was so good and filled me right up.
The interior of this place was brighter and more open then the first location which was more dark pink, red, and purple wall giving it a more Indian feel with the elephants. 

After finishing in Boston we travel to the Waltham location which was very different then the other locations.  In that the menu had a few different items and different interior as well.  The interior was more retro looking then the others.  The cool items displayed where the lights made of metal, an art piece of there own, and the pictures of life in Cambodian.  Jenny took some live action shots of the cooks, close ups of the dishes, and pictures of the owners and managers. 

The highlights of the trip where seeing all the different art displayed at the locations and the food.  Also seeing the different statues and ways in which they display elephant throughout the restaurants.  The people we met where so kind to let us into their kitchens.  

-Renee Breau
Graphic Designer

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