
Thursday, February 28, 2013


Today, I started 54 collecting companies in Billerica, MA.  Then we had an intern meeting to see where we were at and how things where going.  Then I moved on to collecting ALL contacts for 50 Salem Police and Firefighters.     
-Renee Breau

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Today, I learned a new way of doing leads with using Google Maps.  I start off with a business and divide the categories by same, similar, or neighbors to put other companies in the area.  With this I collected 22 companies in the area of Billerica, MA.  I think this is an easier way to collect because Google has a lot of the sites listed and you just have to click them to find contact information, still only collecting if they have emails.  I made a list of what I did so far in the internship, being half way through, which I will add describe words to put on my resume.  I looked at the One Night Stand site, that is in the works, to give corrects to Amanda.  I found one spelling mistake, Logo color to dark for other page then home page, and some align issues.  Then for the rest of the day I worked on collecting ALL contacts for Salem High School which have the whole school.  
-Renee Breau
Graphic Designer 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Today, I started my day off with researching for companies in Cambridge that could become clients for On Point.  In total I collecting 45, which is my all time best since started doing leads.  Then I worked on a new poster for Anti-Bullying, creating a rope image and layout the text. It is still a rough draft and might change the image, not sure what I want though.  We were given a new project to find all the contacts for Middle and High schools for towns in Massachusetts. This will be used for Becca Levy Tour of schools with anti-bullying campaign.  I collected 6 schools in Salem, MA for the day.  
-Renee Breau
Graphic Designer 

Thursday, February 21, 2013


2/21/2013- Today I worked on Leads for companies in Cambridge, MA, all morning collecting 30.   After lunch I continued on National Anthem project with my group and gathering contacts for minor leagues and colleges.  Then we as a group look at each others posters, they gave me feedback on my poster and I applied it to my poster.   The only thing I had to change was to move the image so more on the lit matches would be in the poster.
-Renee Breau 
Graphic Designer 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Today, I researched 25 companies for On Point media for future clients. Then I moved on to finish a Media List for all media outlet in Maine including newspapers, magazine, radio and TV, doing college as well.  In the end I collected 11 college magazines with 15 contacts for the day.  I continue to work on Anti-Bullying Poster on Esente by cropping 1 of 5 green matches to fit with the quote of one out of four is bullying.

As a group we looked at Kickstarter to see if we could use it to get funding for concert tour with Becca Levy to promote Anti- Bullying Campaign. In the end they do not want charity projects as they want a end product, something the consumer can buy. This is what we found:

Kickstarter takes 5% of what is made
It cannot be used to fund charity projects or causes
$25 common pledge and average $71
Average project ask for 5,000

A project has a clear goal, like making an album, a book, or a work of art. A project will eventually be completed, and something will be produced by it. A project is not open-ended. Starting a business, for example, does not qualify as a project.

Examples of prohibited use include raising money for the Red Cross, funding an awareness campaign, funding a scholarship, or promoting the donation of funds raised, or future profits, to a charity or cause.

Everything on Kickstarter must also be a project. A project has a clear goal, like making an album, a book, or a work of art. A project will eventually be completed, and something will be produced by it.

Kickstarter cannot be used as seen above. It has to be something produced and made to make it a project.

Then we went on to Music Think Tank to look at articles on crowdfunding. We split the articles up and this is what I found:

Avoid- Lack of a Purpose Worth Backing

With music Kickstarter projects, you are relying 99% on your existing personal connections.  

You need to send personal emails, engage in face-to-face communication, and tell people exactly what you need them to do.

If a backer is willing to show you their support at the $35 level but you jump from a $20 package to a $50 package, you’re loosing out on potential dollars because they’ll settle for the $20 package.

Kickstarter is more of a vehicle for you to work with your existing fans, not a platform for you to find new ones.

Promote- A large part of our success was having an army of fans, sponsors, promoters, people in the media, and especially other artists who were happy to tweet/share/post the link and encourage people do donate. 

Perks- People are willing to give more if they are able to get something exclusive, unique, fun. If you have other skills, bring them into this. Can you cook? Offer the chance for a private party and cook your fans some dinner. Can you paint? Have some rare canvas pieces. You get the idea.

Twitter- For example, I use Twitter often. For the campaign, I created a hash tag trend and posted an update every single time someone made a pledge. I looked up Twitter names of people who pledged and tagged them, began conversations about it. Fans started tweeting celebrities, actors, bands, media contacts, etc. asking them to RT our link. 

What I learned is that crowd funding success is what you put into it.  From promoting it with your connections and through social media to what you offer as perks. 

Gig funder will not work because it is for the fans and artist to connect, not a whole campaign tour. 

Matthew Leone, bass player for the Chicago based band Madina Lake wad beating after trying to save his neighbor (women) from being beating from her husband.  This inspired a fund to Matthew’s recovery.  This was done by Sweet Relief Musicians Fund. 

Sweet Relief Musicians Fund provides financial assistance to all types of career musicians who are struggling to make ends meet while facing illness, disability, or age-related problems.  I urge you to come and make a donation to this hero.

I learned that you not only have to have a good cause, but the cause has to do something in return (as seen above).  Sweet Relief Musicians Fund is a good site for a cause, but is only for a disease cause like cancer and to help musicians in need.  Not for a charity concert for anti-bullying.   

-Renee Breau

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


2/19/12- Today I worked on my Anti-Bully Poster from Esente.  I made some corrections to the quote (text) including changing the size and writing out the word One.  Then the picture did not match the quote because there was 1 and every 5th match lit.  To fix this I went into Photoshop and erased the extra match to make it 1 in 4 on the red version.  I still have to change the green image as well.  I continued with researching companies for On Point Media in Insurance in Cambridge, MA.  I collected 22 companies, some of the companies were hard to find.  Then I collected 6 college magazines with 10 contacts for Maine media list.  I am almost done with the whole state of Maine for media outlets and think I will finish tomorrow. 
-Renee Breau 
Graphic Designer


Thursday, February 14, 2013


2/14/13 Today I continued on collecting leads (companies) for On Point Media and got 23.  Then worked on Media List for about an hour and researched 4 magazines with 4 contacts and 8 newspapers with 9 contacts.  After lunch I worked on finding articles and discussions on Pay to Play for research for One Night Stand Tour.  I found more information about why musicians do not want to pay to play.  
-Renee Breau 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


2/13/12 Today, the collecting of companies was harder to find information on lawyers from Brookline and found 20 companies for 2 hrs instead of 1 and half.  I almost finish the radio stations with collecting 7 more stations and 25 emails.  Then Ron called a group of interns in to start working on One Night Stand Project.  Our duty is to find out what people are saying about play to pay in music.  Also to find a solution on how prevent people from saying One Nigh Stand is a scam.  I found out that musicians do not like pay to play because they have to pay and find people to sell tickets to.  They want to play for money instead of paying to play.  Some think it hurts the band’s reputation in showing that they are not good enough to play a real show and they are desperate.  But the event is not just pay to play it is to stop bullying and helps promote the band that would not get exposure otherwise.  Some think battle of the band is a scam because it does not hold up to all that it promises to give to the band.  One Night Stand guarantees the band exposure on the event’s site, bands name in promotion material, and to play with 4 others to prevent bullying.      
- Renee Breau
Graphic Designer 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


2/12/13 Today, I researched and gathered 30 Financial Companies in Boston, which is one of my best numbers for an hour and half.  Then I found more radio stations for the state of Maine, which will be used to send out news on Esente Music Group’s clients.  The final number for the day was 18 radio stations with 42 emails gathered.  After lunch I moved on to continuing the National Anthem project in which I collected more high school in the MA area that Becca Levy could sing at.
-Renee Breau
Graphic Designer 

Thursday, February 7, 2013


2/7/13 – Today, I collected 21 companies in the Invest Finance Category for Boston, MA.  For the media list I gathered 7 newspaper and 10 Radio companies with 20 emails.  Then I worked on fixing my anti-bullying poster with corrections from the group, by changing the quote to a 1 and 5 fact.  This is because my fact I had did not communicate the idea of the poster and by changing the fact the poster will be better.   Continue on the National Anthem project with researching more high schools in MA that Becca Levy could sing at.  I am trying to get either the athletics director or events coordinator (and if they do not have any I do not add them to my list).  I am starting to gather more than the previous days because I am not researching where the National Anthem is sung at high school events.    
- Renee Breau

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


2/6/13 Today, I collected 22 companies in Boston Finance for future clients of On Point.  Then I added contacts for Media List that will be used of Esente to send news out on their artist.  I gathered 10 emails from 8 newspapers for about an hour.   After lunch we had a meeting to give an update on the National Anthem Project.  After we continue to work on researching where we should look and what contacts we can get (On High School Events).   -Renee Breau

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


2/5/2013- I started with a new city and list of leads for On Point.  Boston, the city, and I collected 24 leads in 2 hours which shows improvement in my numbers collected from the first day.   I worked on researching more Magazine Companies in Maine for 30 minutes, collecting 4 new magazines with 7 emails and contact pages.  For the rest of the day the interns where divided into groups to find how to get Becca Levy to sing the National Anthem at events such as football games, baseball games and more events.  We had to figure out as a group who got which category to search for teams, I took High School Events.  From there I had to figure out where to start from the list of states he gave us, what teams where the best and attracted the biggest crowds. The states he wants her to perform at are DC, VA, DE, NY, NJ, Baltimore, and New England.  Then find how to contact the team or school to have her come to one of the championship game.  I decide to go with Washington DC and Virginia because I thought it would have fewer teams then the bigger states and cities.  In the end I gathered 10 schools with 23 contacts. 
-Renee Breau
Graphic Design