
Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Today, I learned a new way of doing leads with using Google Maps.  I start off with a business and divide the categories by same, similar, or neighbors to put other companies in the area.  With this I collected 22 companies in the area of Billerica, MA.  I think this is an easier way to collect because Google has a lot of the sites listed and you just have to click them to find contact information, still only collecting if they have emails.  I made a list of what I did so far in the internship, being half way through, which I will add describe words to put on my resume.  I looked at the One Night Stand site, that is in the works, to give corrects to Amanda.  I found one spelling mistake, Logo color to dark for other page then home page, and some align issues.  Then for the rest of the day I worked on collecting ALL contacts for Salem High School which have the whole school.  
-Renee Breau
Graphic Designer 

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