
Wednesday, February 13, 2013


2/13/12 Today, the collecting of companies was harder to find information on lawyers from Brookline and found 20 companies for 2 hrs instead of 1 and half.  I almost finish the radio stations with collecting 7 more stations and 25 emails.  Then Ron called a group of interns in to start working on One Night Stand Project.  Our duty is to find out what people are saying about play to pay in music.  Also to find a solution on how prevent people from saying One Nigh Stand is a scam.  I found out that musicians do not like pay to play because they have to pay and find people to sell tickets to.  They want to play for money instead of paying to play.  Some think it hurts the band’s reputation in showing that they are not good enough to play a real show and they are desperate.  But the event is not just pay to play it is to stop bullying and helps promote the band that would not get exposure otherwise.  Some think battle of the band is a scam because it does not hold up to all that it promises to give to the band.  One Night Stand guarantees the band exposure on the event’s site, bands name in promotion material, and to play with 4 others to prevent bullying.      
- Renee Breau
Graphic Designer 

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